Study at IVE Business
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Professional Recognition
Many professional bodies in Hong Kong and overseas acknowledge the quality of our programmes, including:
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) |
Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) |
Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM) |
Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) |
Hong Kong People Management Association (HKPMA) |
Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals' Association (PRPA) |
Hong Kong Quality Management Association (HKQMA) |
Human Capital Management Society (HCMS) |
Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK) |
Institute of Training Professionals (ITP) |
Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP) |
The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong (HK4As) |
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) |
The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) |
The Chartered Institute of Housing Asian Pacific Branch (CIHAPB) |
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) |
The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) |
The Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association (HKAAA) |
The Institute of Purchasing & Supply of Hong Kong (IPSHK) |